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The Basic Lowdown...

Neko would like to say...

To me, life is about decisions--Which roads to take, which doors to open-- Travelling paths that lead to a goal. Many people choose a path not knowing (or caring) where they will end up. They make a decision that will eventually lead them somewhere they can't see from where they are now. For instance, they have one sexual encounter that leads to a pregnancy; or one hit off a joint that leads to an addiction. The decisions you make today will eventually affect your tomorrow.

A number of years ago I made a decision that has affected me to this very day. I made the decision to follow Jesus Christ--to drop what the world says I should be and become what God my Creator says I truly am. 1 John 5:4 says that I can overcome all that the world throws at me. When sickness tries to attack me, I can stand on the Word of God and His promises for excellent health. That is one example of my authority as a believer in Jesus. I can also rejoice in knowing that with Christ as my Savior, I have the promise of eternal life in heaven. It's a joy to know that whatever this life throws at me, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

That decision from years ago has brought me here to write this for you and tell that all of this is available to you too!!! Can you imagine a Love so strong that nothing can stop or replace it. That is God's Love for you, my friend. In a world full of decisions, the future of your soul is the MOST important. If you want to ask Jesus to come into your life, CLICK HERE! You won't regret it, that I promise.

Much Love,

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