Some BYEM Lyrics/ Poetry...
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Included here are BYEM's lyrics
from the following STP hits:

Click on the song title to hear a sample in STREAMING...


People are 'bout 20 seconds shy of the resurrection,
searchin for any true love and affection.
Hidin under bushes and stones,
hopin God doesn't throw judgement onto their domes.
Livin for self, tryin to avoid the inevitable--
It's time to hear the spoken words of a rebel.
I make sure my words are air-tight in the midst of duplicity,
bringin forth the only true hope for society.
Too many wolves, too many locusts;
cuz the devil still longs for the body of Moses,
to gain focus, cuz these are hard times--
as I search for a wife, I keep running into concubines.
And again, let me tell you something--
Without Jesus, man can do nothing,
and IS nothing, but clay filled with desire--
a worthless branch about to get thrown into the fire!
Where I come from is the realness,
I check the microphone for the slightest sound weakness--
the Technique is 'Check, 1,2', over a drum beat
the Stompin Toy Punks is still rollin MAD DEEP!
In the spiritual realm, renewing of the mind,
and never will you ever hear a curse in a rhyme.
Cuz once again I kneel before God's presence,
the real focus, the pure essence.
Like an African oil produces a fresh scent,
I lift up my soul to escape the ignorance.
In a spiritual sense, my prayers burn like a frankincense--
illuminating wisdom, with God as my Defense!
I speak into the mic, so you can hear me clearly:
Satan's middle name has got to be 'Conspiracy',
foolin the masses into believin they only have 'one life to live'
when Jesus has ETERNAL life to give!

Copyright 1995 STP Productions

Click on the song title to hear a sample in STREAMING...

BYEM's verses from

From the 'boom-bip', the 'boom-bip',
just another poetic verse drops from my lip.
As you take a sip, of the Licka
hangin out with your girl, I'm the dominant figure.
With your hand on the trigger, you pause--
I grip the microphone with some Yes, Yes, Y'all 's.
You look aaround the room and find the other guy,
the baldy givin your girlfriend the eye.
You want to buck him down, 9 to the chest,
put him to rest, eliminate the stress.
Movin real slow with gun in hand,
no second thoughts about killin the other man.
This man could be a doctor, teacher, or a nurse;
but your only concern is his body in a hearse.
Your heart is full of hate, that deadly passion--
So once again, here is the question that I'm askin--
Was it society that made you act evil?
Or is this another story, and you're just a sequel?
Whatever the case, as you're doin your time,
on a low note I'll have to end this rhyme.

9 years old, your dialect unbroken,
roamin, the paved streets of Logan
Heights--graffitied walls where no one should go--
Hangin out with friends, smokin some endo.
As the smoke fills the room, you don't care,
you breathe in the air, you breathe in the air,
and stare at the dealer on the street--
You imitate every move he makes on concrete.
You want to be the big man with the cash flow,
not like Bo, cuz what does Bo know?
So as you get older, I continue the drama--
You own your own street corner, start dealin ganja.
Adding to your rep, relaxed with pep,
take out those that slept, watchin every step
ya make, and the money ya make--
so much money you have to collect it with a rake.
At age 18, no need for college,
ya got gimps on the ave., keepin your shoes polished.
So when I see ya, I'll give you a pound, B;
but you're evidence of the Demise of Society.

Copyright 1995 STP Productions

Click on the song title to hear a sample in STREAMING...

just one verse from BYEM's hit,

'It's like a jungle sometimes, it makes me wonder',
When will God bring down the thunder
on this nation? It's a daily operation--
tryin to teach homosexuality in education.
How can you say that drug use is harmful,
then teach the youth how to live more carnal?
Come on! Am I the only one that can see?
Maybe ya need to see the opthamologist Daddy Lee;
and he'll tell ya just what I've spoken--
The nucleus of the family has been broken,
I'm not jokin, cuz I'm speakin the truth,
I'm speakin the truth, I'm speakin the truth.
They say that we're the lost generation--
Hmmm...Well guess who lost us?
I blame the parents and society as a whole,
livin for riches, then sell your soul.
The youth is cryin out, don't ya feel the tears?
Parents push through the pain, calm your fears.
You may hold a college degree from College #1;
but when was the last time you spoke to your son?

Copyright 1995 STP Productions

Click on the song title to hear a sample in STREAMING...

BYEM's verses from

Last summer I took a trip to Central A.m...
to get a break from rockin the mic to the pm
The sun was beating down on my brown skin,
for miles no one knew I was the Direct Masta Byem.
Loungin on the sandy beaches of Costa Rica,
my eyes telescoped on this fly senorita--
I kicked it to her like a 90's conquistador,
she said 'Mas, mas, mas, more, more, more!'
I said, 'Yo, donde es tu hombre, senorita?'
She said she was single, and would like to meet me.
So she gave me an island tour before dinner,
treated me like a sweepstakes winner.
We ate conk and lobster by candlelight,
then took an ocean swim in the moonlight.
Real G's, can you dig the flavor?-----
at 1am she accepted the Savior!
I left a week later for a concert---
it brought tears to her eyes, they carried the hurt;
but yo, Ines, if you ever need me,
I'm in Dago writin your name in graffiti.

The moral of the story is God has blessed--
Ya travel the world and find a girl like Ines
But for every good girl, there's a fake
They want the money ya make, don't make the same mistake
Thinkin she loves you for you--
But don't get caught sayin the words, "I do"
to a Delilah, because she did tempt you
But in the 90's we say that she pimped you.
But to all the real girls stayin true--
Neko, Shekone, and Byem have much love for you!
I know you're fed up, want to give up;
but like Tupac said--"You gotta keep your head up!"
Look to the heavens and you'll get the picture
Worship God, and study the Scriptures
All in all, you know you reap what you sow--
Believe in your heart and know you're not a ho!
So peace to my little sis, Denise and Ines--
I can cope when I look in your eyes and still see hope
To all the girls livin the realness--
"Peace and Love", is how I end this...

Copyright 1995 STP Productions

...and HERE we have some fine samples
of BYEM's poetry: