Jackball or Genius

All entering these hallowed sites be aware that you are all VCR petting geeks. Phil Hendrie would castigate you for being here.
My Favorite things about Phil Hendrie
  • Genius
  • Outrageous
  • Hilarious

The First Couple of Radio

Welcome to my tribute page to Phil Hendrie, America's best radio personality! We in LA have been enjoying Phil and his zany radio guests and callers for many years and now are sharing him with America even hearing him tape delayed so you all can hear him live! So here you will find what you need to get up to speed on the Phil Hendrie experience. Here you will find various character descriptions to give you a framework to understand the Hendrie Experience. Curious where Phil is syndicated?? So is everyone else, so go to the affiliate page on the official site.

The Best of Phil Hendrie 2001"Bring It!" came out in November 2001. Go to The Official Phil Hendrie Web Page to obtain your copy of Phil Hendrie's newest Best of CD! Every year Phil has made more than $170,000 in CD sales for My Friend's Place.As Phil says...that would pay for the new pool or at least buy a decent Sears washer!! And it would certainly buy some season tickets to the XFL or maybe even a bohio in Fiji!

My Favorite Phil Hendrie Sites

The Grandfather of all Hendrie Pages --Shuck and Jive!! alas it is now just faded to black
Atomic Martini Productions Miami Archives
The Hendrie Catapult Page, the most comprehensive Hendrie Linkage page on the net!!
Jamal's Oh Sweet Jesus Page
The New Official Phil Hendrie Site
Phil Hendrie, Master of the Airwaves
Our Favorite Phil Hendrie Guests
Brett Bayne's Hendrie Diaries
The Phil Philes
My Crappy Site, A newbie on the phil Block!
The Bud Dickman Lounge and Grill, a place for chat and research
Fridays at El Cholo
Get Thrown
Is the Caller There?

The Phil Hendrie Guest Biographies

Interested in knowing more about the history of the Citizen's Auxilliary Police? Find out how they are interested in saving lives and the history behind the infamous blue armband!Click Ed Green's The California Citizens Auxiliary Police.

Phil's Favorite Charity


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All information and graphics have been gleened from all over the Internet. If any copyrighted material or graphics is displayed for which no credit is given, please email me and I will fix it. Please report any dead links to me also. Thank you. All guests are the property of Phil Hendrie of KFI and Premier Radio.