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Saturday, December 20th, 2003

Snowy, cold and windy.

It looks like the snow is here to stay. It's a darn shame too. It's so much colder than a few days ago. I don't mind the cold outside, but as always, I can't stand the cold inside. I dislike sleeping in a room that goes down below 10 degrees at night. It's too damn cold.

Last night I couldn't update my homepage. I wrote my entry as usual, but for some reason I couldn't sign into Angelfire to post it. I guess they must have been busy, or updating their system or something.

This morning it was darn hard to get out of bed. I didn't get up on time, but managed finally to get dressed and go out for brunch with my hubby. I was worried about the roads because they were a bit ugly, but I think everything went okay. We got to the restaurant and back to the school then. Yay!

I was quite busy at work today. I had 6 classes and a bit of paperwork. In my first lesson, my student asked if we could do some stamping so that's what we did. She made a nice Christmas card. Yay!

After work, Fumihiko took me to Dan. We had a lot of great stuff. Kimchee Nabe, lemon chicken salad, and eggplant-yaki. It was all good.

We came home and I made a card for a woman in my organization of Women married to Japanese men. She read something I wrote about stamping and sent me an postcard to say thanks and it interested her. That was so nice that I wanted to send her a Christmas Card.

When I finished the card, Fumihiko made coffee and then it was Christmas! Yes, you read that right. We opened our Christmas presents tonight! Well the ones from each other anyway. I was very lucky! I got DVDs. I got the boxed set of the Indiana Jones Movies, Lord of the Rings The Two Towers, and (Yes!) Pirates of the Caribbean. All the ones that I wanted, but didn't think I'd get. I'm very spoiled! I gave him a game that I found in's a puzzle game with a hiker trying to cross a stream infested by crocodiles, snakes and piranhas. I think he likes it! I have another gift for him too, but I haven't wrapped it yet, so I'm waiting for a bit first!

And that's about that! I had a nice day. It was nice at work, and also at home. Tomorrow is the last update I'll have before my holiday, so if Angelfire has problems tomorrow night too, this could be my last posting. Oh no! Anyway, gotta go.....Night night.

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