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December 24, 2005 - Saturday

Cold and snowy.

An okay sort of day. We didn't get up until the afternoon! I think Fumihiko was a bit surprised that it was so late! We went to Cocos for lunch and then drove to the mall.

We played stupid coin games for a while and then we went to see Memoirs of a Geisha (Sayuri in Japan). It was good. I enjoyed the look of the movie and the performances were very good. I was surprised that some of the Japanese actors could speak English so well. I hope they really weren't just fed the lines.

After the movie we bought some groceries and then came back to Tsuruoka. I was a tad upset because Fumihiko seemed to have just realized that it was the day before Christmas. Sigh.

We went to a grocery store, then went for dinner. Our first choice was sold out, so we both had duck. I asked for mine without sauce. Not only did it not have sauce, but I got one less piece than my hubby did. Huh? What the heck? He had rice too, so why the hell did he get to have an extra piece? I wasn't too impressed.

I've had the devil of a time finding ingredients for my Greek Salad. Today the problems were romaine lettuce and red onion. I had to substitute for the romaine, but I finally managed to track down the red onion.

We came home and had a bit of a snack, and watched another Friends dvd. I think Fumihiko is really getting into it. I hope so anyway!

Anyway, that's it for me. I'm out of here. I hope Santa is good to you tomorrow. Night night!


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