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December 29, 2005 - Thursday

Clear and quite warm.

An interesting day. I slept in really late again, and so did hubby. We went for lunch to the Daiichi hotel and then went shopping for a fridge. We went to two places, but there was one at the first store that caught our eye. We ended up buying it.

We'll get the fridge on the 31st. It's big, but not huge. It's got an ice box and a big freezer. I think it'll be good.

In the evening we went to our favourite French restaurant for dinner. We had a lovely meal of turkey with chestnuts. It was great.

After that we went to the mall and bought Fumihiko a pair of boots. He needed a pair for just wandering around in. He had only shoes or big old rubber boots. They aren't very comfortable.

Then, we went to the gaming center and played silly coin games for a while. It was kind of fun actually. I played a couple of games and at the end I still had some coins. Fumihiko was almost out though.

We came home via the grocery store. We've spent a quiet evening at home together. I made some raspberry sodas and we had some coffee and popcorn too.

We're watching Edward Scissorhands. I'd forgotten how funny it is. And how sad.

Anyway, I'm off. Have a good evening! Night.


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