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December 30, 2005 - Friday

No idea - didn't go outside today.

A good and quite productive day. We got up late again today, but there was a difference! I cooked brunch. We had cheese omelettes with sausages. Yum. They were very good.

In the afternoon Fumihiko went to take his Mum shopping and I stayed home. I did a lot of cleaning up. Tomorrow the new fridge is coming and we had to make a path for it. I threw out a lot of Fumihiko's junk. He's a packrat. Keeps everything. (I'm just the same)

I also worked on my soup. I started it last night, so today when I took out the bones they were falling apart. I took the meat off the bones and then I put a bunch of the veggies in the blender and whizzed them for a minute or so. I put the pureed veggies back into the soup with a bit of curry powder, oregano and paprika.

Fumihiko called me to see if I wanted something for dinner so I suggested a salad too. He got salads and some yakitori. Soon after he came home we ate dinner. The soup was great. I don't often cook, heaven knows, but I usually do a good job when I do.

In the evening we did a bit more cleaning up and now the place looks pretty good. In the morning Fumihiko has to move the small fridge to another room. We also have to move the couch and the dining room table. Sigh. It'll be a hassle, but having a lovely new fridge should make up for it.

When we were too tired to do anymore, we watched some dvds. We finished up Friends Season one and then Fumihiko picked While You Were Sleeping. We'd both seen it before, and as usual, I cried. I read maybe yesterday that I'd watched it at this time of year a few years ago. It really was me. I was Lucy. Now, I'm not. I'm so lucky, and mostly, so happy not to be her anymore.

Anyway, today was a good day. Tomorrow is the last day of the year, and we have NO plans. Oh my gosh. What should we do? I have no idea.

Talk to you tomorrow, probably! Night night.


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