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February 8, 2005 - Tuesday

Clear but cool. Bit of rain at night.

This morning I woke up just after Fumihiko left. I didn't hear him leave so I felt a bit sad. Still, I got up, checked my email and then napped on the couch. When my alarm went off I was really surprised as I was fast asleep. I did all my usual morning stuff and the set off for work.

Work was okay. I had an okay time. I got some lovely flowers from Shimi which was a nice surprise. In my older kids class we did a couple of science experiments with water, balloons and bottles. It was fun, and the kids were fairly cool about it too, so I was happy!

After work I finished up quickly and got Fumihiko to pick me up. We were cooking tonight. We made tacos. Yum yum yum. I made guacamole sauce, and then taco-meat. Fumihiko helped me by chopping up the tomato and also fixing the cheese. Instead of tacos I used lettuce, which worked quite well. We really enjoyed our meal. There was hardly any left afterwards!

Fumihiko did the dishes and I dried them. Then, I came over to my computer and he read on the couch. It was a nice meal. And, I think I'm cooking tomorrow too, or at least my slow cooker is!

I'll let you know about tomorrow's meal tomorrow. Night.

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