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February 9, 2005 - Wednesday

Clear and warm, rainy at night.

This morning I was quite busy. I set up my slow cooker for tonight's dinner. I browned some chicken and put lots of veggies in the cooker too. Then, I took my nap.

I left for work a few minutes later than usual and really had to hustle. I was torn about bringing my bike, but decided not to. Tomorrow, unless it snows, I probably will.

I wasn't terribly busy at work, but I was busy enough. I had 4 classes and they all went quite well. I did have a couple of students not come. One of them called and said he had to watch TV. I wasn't overly pleased with that one! But, tonight was a soccer game with Japan and North Korea, so he wanted to watch that. Huh.

After work, Fumihiko picked me up and we made a quick stop at the grocery store. Then we came home and prepared for our dinner. We had chicken and veggies from the slow cooker, tofu, followed by strawberries and cream. Yum. It was delicious.

We did dishes, my least favourite thing, and then watched a bit of TV. It was funny.

So far, that was my day. It was pretty good actually. Talk to you tomorrow? Night night.

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