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February 10, 2005 - Thursday

Warm with a bit rain.

An okay day I guess. I went to work by bike today. Around the apartment it was really difficult though as there is still a lot of snow here, and it's very, very wet. I wasn't able to ride until I was out on the road. Yuck. It was a bit hairy in places as there was still some snow and I am not very brave!

Work was okay. I spent a lot of time doing things for our head office and some other schools. It was a bit strange. I taught a few classes today too. My last one was really fun as students had to talk about their own heroes. It was quite interesting. I had loaned my Pride and Prejudice dvd to a student and she returned it today. She loved it. I'm so happy! I also loaned her a copy of the book, one made for learners of English and she says when she reads the book she can picture the scene from the dvd. Since the book version is quite high, I think that's okay if it helps her.

I didn't get out of the office until 10pm. Even then, I thought I probably should stay and fax, but things weren't going through!

We had dinner in Gusto again, and got another square bowl. I like them actually. Then we came home and had coffee. We also had a bit of a dumb fight over the TV versus my computer music. I gave up and put my headphones on. It's very annoying though, there is nothing on TV, but Fumihiko wants to watch it anyway. I gotta tell you, Japanese TV is very bad. I can't stand it!

Anyway, that's it for me. I might sleep in a bit tomorrow. I hope! I'll catch you tomorrow? Night night!

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