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February 11, 2005 - Friday

Cold and snowy.

I went to bed quite late last night, so I didn't get up until 11:30 or something today. However, when I got up I felt good, and so we decided to go out for brunch. We went to Dan. We usually go there for dinner, but we went there for lunch today. It was okay. It wasn't noisy. I had fish, and Fumihiko had chicken and sashimi. It was nice.

We picked up a few things at the grocery store and then went home. We watched the first part of Lord of the Rings The Two Towers. It was great, very different from the theatre one. We were going to start the second part, but I noticed that it was 6 pm and thought that we probably should eat!

We went out to the evil place and then to the book store. Fumihiko had ordered a book and it had arrived. I checked out their English books, but I didn't buy any! I didn't buy anything actually.

We came home and Fumihiko made coffee. Then I put the second part of the movie in and we watched that. It was great. I really enjoyed it, and so did Fumihiko. I also worked on my jigsaw puzzle and finally finished it. It looks really pretty. It's a Japanese painting of a bird in a tree. It took a long time to do.

And that was my day. It was a nice way to spend our day off. Tomorrow we're back to work though. It's very sad. Or is it? I hope not!

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