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February 13, 2005 - Sunday

Snowy but not too cold.

A good day. I did sleep in, but my sleep was broken when the phone rang this morning at 9:35. It was my sister calling from Canada. It was nice to hear her voice. And I got to hear my newest nephew Zachary in the background too.

I did laundry this morning while Fumihiko got kerosene. We were planning to go out for brunch, but I was too hungry to wait. While my clothes were washing I made us a quick cheese and tomato omelet. It was good, even if I say so myself. And I do!

We went out shopping to Jusco. Fumihiko got a few things for himself, I got a few things for Katie and Zachary, I drooled over some wool(again!) but didn't buy it, and then we went downstairs to the ladies department. I looked at clothes and ended up getting quite a few things. I got 3 sweaters. I wore one tonight. It's black with a white and blue pattern down the front. I also got a sweater with angora in it, it's black and white, then I got a blue wool sweater. It's very thin, but warm. Fumihiko bought them for me as my Valentine's day gift.

We headed over to Jiro after this to eat lunch. It was a late lunch, but good. I had my usual, and Fumihiko had his usual, so we were both pleased. Yum.

I suggested either going home for a while or going to an electronic store to get a new coffee maker. His is fine, but it's very small. We can only get two cups of coffee per pot. When I drink coffee, I want coffee, and lots of it. The first shop had some nice ones, but nothing that struck our fancy, then the second one had a lot. They had some coffee makers that made espresso too, but I pointed out that we don't drink espresso that much, so we didn't really need it. There were other models that had a built in grinder...nice, but do we need it? We ended up getting one that had a timer, so we can set the machine at night and wake up to fresh coffee. Yay! I bought it, but Fumihiko will pay me back some of the money. It's part of my Valentine's Day gift to him.

We brought our machine home and tried it out. It wasn't great! Although it says we don't need a filter, we really do. We drank coffee, then I did something I haven't done in years. I curled my hair. I bought a curling iron last year in Sendai and I never used it. Well, tonight I broke it out of the box. It was great. My hair looked so nice. I was impressed.

We went to Benkei to meet my friend Mitsuko. She was one of my first students in Japan, and one of the first people to take me out anywhere. She got married just before we did and she had a baby last year. This was her first trip without her baby and I think she really missed him. We had a good time together. We spoke an interesting mixture of English and Japanese. We also ate some great food. It was delicious.

A bit after midnight we broke up the party and came home. Fumihiko had been drinking so we used the "drive your car home" service, and got home safely. Yay. He made us more coffee and himself a huge bowl of ramen. He's off taking a bath now and soon we'll go to bed.

That was my day. It was pretty good. I really enjoyed it. Gotta go!

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