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February 12, 2005 - Saturday

Cold and snowy at night.

An okay day. I woke up and did my usual morning stuff, then left for work in lots of time. I got there on time, opened up the school and then punched in. Stupid me! I punched in 2 minutes late. Argh. I can't believe it. I hope I don't get into trouble for that.

Work was okay. A couple of Mums asked me about continuing to teach after my school closes. That was nice as I thought they weren't interested.

At lunch I went shopping in Jusco. I went through the floors and got myself a couple of videos. I got Warlock and The Last Dragon. That one I'm not sure if it's in English or been dubbed into Japanese. I hope it's in English. I remember it being really funny. I hope it still is! I also got more undies. How come they only have undershirts (really warm, long sleeved ones) in my size in black? Umm, how come I can't get white or pink or even beige? Black is okay, but not under a pale shirt. When I was there I also looked at some wool. It looks really, really interesting, but I've never used those kinds (bobbly then string, and chunky and fine in the same wool) and I don't know if I'm up to it!

After work, Fumihiko brought me home via the grocery store. He made dinner tonight, which was okay. He made nabe. It wasn't as good as it usually is, but it was fine. Now he's reading and I'm doing the computer thang.

Tomorrow our weekend starts. We're meeting an ex-student from a long time ago tomorrow.That should be fun. I'll let you know how it goes! Night!

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