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February 19, 2005 - Saturday

Warm with rain.

A day that started badly, but got better. This morning Fumihiko was talking about buying a new car. The dealership he usually goes to offered to sell him their test car. I wasn't impressed. The car itself is gorgeous and would be a nice thing to have, but I pointed out that I couldn't give him any money at all and I thought it was strange that he could think about getting a new car, but didn't bother thinking about a place for me to work after my school closes. Well, he wasn't impressed, told me he had been thinking about it and got a bit angry. I told him that he hadn't mentioned anything to me about thinking ....anyway, things didn't go that well. We ended up getting a bit angry at each other. I pointed out that I might as well stay in Canada when I go back for my holiday as there was no reason to come back. He drove me to school and I promised not to go anywhere in the next couple of days!

Work was fine. The kids class was a bit crazy as always, and the adult classes were great. I found out that we'll be getting a new private student to share next month. It's kind of nuts I'm afraid.

After work I read my book for a while. I'm reading Split Second, a thriller by David Baldacci. I've read a couple of his books before. It's fine, but not wonderful. I'm enjoying it though. I emailed Fumihiko and asked him to come and get me.

He'd had a busy day. He'd got kerosene for his Mum, got his hair cut, and gone to a real estate agent for me. He has a pretty good lead on a place. He drove me by it tonight. It might be okay. Rent's a bit high, but I might be able to swing it.

We also went somewhere a bit different for dinner. We went for yakitori, near my old apartment. It was really nice. We had a mixture of meats and they were all delicious.

Then, we came home via the grocery store.

We spent some time together and then we watched ER. It was Mark's final day of work...very sad. That was my day. Turned out to be much better than it began.

Oh, we're off to Sakata tomorrow to go to a party. So, we won't be home tomorrow night and there won't be an update. Sorry about that.

Have a good weekend! Night night.

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