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February 23, 2005 - Wednesday

Snowy and rainy.

Before I start telling you all about my day today, let me tell you about something that happened yesterday. My wedding ring is sometimes a smidge too tight. When it feels tight I often put it on my pinkie finger. Well I did that yesterday, then went to the toilet. Of course you can guess what happened from the fact that I'm telling you this story. My ring fell into the toilet. I was using the Japanese style one, and luckily it was clean water in the toilet. My ring didn't just fall in the shallow part, oh no, it skated along the shallow part and sank into the deep part. I had to fish it out, practically getting on my hands and knees to do it too. Bleck. I scrubbed both my hand and my ring afterward.

On to today. I did my usual morning stuff with the exception of setting up the slow cooker. I set it up right before I left for work. It looked good.

Walking to work was awful! It had snowed a lot and then it rained. The rain half melted the snow in places, and in other places it made lovely ice. The route I walked had this slushy snow stuff on it that would support my weight for a microsecond before letting me plunge into the snow. It was like walking on sticky sand or something. And, halfway to work I discovered that my boots were leaking. Granted, these were the same boots I bought last winter for the grand price of ¥1000 (roughly $10 Canadian), but they were supposed to be waterproof. I made it to work with 2 minutes to spare!

I had an okay day at work. Classes went quite well, especially my kids class. I was delighted to notice that one child is doing much better than I thought she was. She's getting okay at the numbers and knows quite a lot of the phonics. She joined the class later than the other students and has had a lot of trouble catching up.

In my last class a student showed up that I haven't seen in 4 months! I was delighted to see him though. It was a nice surprise.

After work, an exhausted Fumihiko came and picked me up. He was so tired that when we got home he went to bed. I put dinner on the table almost immediately, and he got up and ate. I let him off doing the dishes because he was so tired. I washed them and then wrote a bunch of long put off email!

And that was my day today. It was okay actually, except for the walk to work. Wish me luck on tomorrow's walk, eh!

Night night.

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