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February 24, 2005 - Thursday

Mostly clear, some light flurries.

A good day. I did the usual morning stuff but had a hard time getting up to take my shower. I was so tired I just didn't want to move. I did get everything done before I left for work, and I left pretty much on time. I made good time today. Although it was icy in some places, the snow had either hardened so I could walk on it, or it had vanished.

Work was okay too. I had a new class start today and I think things went well. I think I confused the poor woman though. My last class didn't come, but 2 of the three students called or emailed to tell me they couldn't come, so it was okay basically.

Fumihiko picked me up and we went to M's Dining for dinner. It was good. I had chicken and hamburger. I really enjoyed that, and Fumihiko had stir fried beef with veggies. I might have it next time.

We came home via the grocery store, and that was that. My day. It was a nice change from yesterday because of the change in the weather too.

Have a good night!

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