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February 22, 2005 - Tuesday

Snow. Snow. More Snow.

An okay day. I got up on time, did my stuff and left for work. It was a hard slog to get to work as the snow was very deep. Luckily, the way I went had been cleared for the most part. However, there were places where the snow hadn't been cleared, and that wasn't fun.

I made it to work on time and that's what's important! Most classes went well today, but people were often late from the snow. My older kids class wasn't too good though. It was the birthday of one of the boys and he was really tired.

In the later part of the evening I faxed to our head office, and to some other schools. Then I did a bit of paperwork.

When Fumihiko came and got me, we came home. We cooked. Tonight Fumihiko did a lot of stuff to help me which was wonderful. He shredded the cheese for me, and chopped up a tomato. I washed the lettuce, strawberries (dessert) and made up the taco mix. I also found time to whip the cream and get Fumihiko a bandage! Poor thing cut himself.

We ate dinner and it was great. We had low carb tacos....without the taco shells. We used lettuce instead and it was delicious.

After dinner I sent him off to have his bath and I did dishes. Then when he came back he made coffee and we had our dessert. Oh boy. How yummy. Strawberries and cream with a touch of sweetener in it.

Now we're just mellowing out. It's been an okay day, but more snow is forecast for tomorrow. I wish there was some way we could refuse it. We already have too much!

To let you see a bit of the snow, here's a picture I took today from in front of my school. It was really coming down then, and it was already pretty deep.

Snowy Day 2005

Night night!

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