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February 26, 2005 - Saturday

Snowy and cold all day.

This morning started with a crash. Fumihiko dropped his bowl when he finished his breakfast and it smashed all over the place. I was sleeping, but of course woke up and came through to see what happened. I wasn't angry or anything, it's just a free bowl from the restaurant after all. And, I didn't have to wash it anymore!

I slept a bit more then got up and did my morning stuff. I finished early and left for work on time. I made good time, even though it was a bit slippery. I even got to work a bit early. I put out the sign, got changed, and then waited for my students. It was a bit of a madhouse because the grandmother of one of my students wanted to renew his contract, right before class! I had to make up a receipt, talk to our head office and try to start my class, all at once. Then, a parent came in and wanted to tell me something that I just didn't understand! It was a bit funny. I got him to talk to our head office. I could hear the kids doing something in my classroom, so I wanted to supervise them.

After the class, which ended late, the father wanted to renew his children's contracts, so I had to make two receipts and take money. It was crazy. I was really flustered!

Later in the day I got some really really surprising news that I can't talk about yet. I'll let you know when I can.

The rest of the day was a bit busy. I planned for Tuesday, did some paperwork, and then taught my last class. It went quite well. Yay!

Fumihiko picked me up and we went to Gusto for dinner then home. We watched a bit of TV together, which was nice. I did some knitting. I'm now more than 1/3 of the way done of my scarf. I haven't knitted in years and I'm enjoying it. I hope this gets the knitting bug out of my system.

And that was my day. It was wild and woolly, to say the least!

Night night...

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