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February 25, 2005 - Friday

Clear and sunny, then very snowy.

What a day. Today it was gorgeous when I walked to work. It was warm enough that I ended up taking my hat off, my gloves too, and opening up my coat. It was lovely.

Work was okay today. There was a weird thing where a guy showed up during my class to pick up the computer. I couldn't let him in the office at that time because I was teaching. He agreed to come back later. After my class I verified that he was okay to pick up the computer, but he didn't come back right away. When he did come back I called our head office and they talked to him. Anyway, he left empty-handed. It was a bit strange.

After work I got all of my stuff ready for my first class and then I called my hubby. The poor guy isn't feeling well again. He's been so tired this week, maybe he's a bit run-down? Anyway, he took me to Cocos where we had a nice dinner and chat. While we were in the restaurant it started to snow. And snow. And snow.

We came home and it continues to snow out there. There was even some thunder and lightning too. Today our apartment area was cleared of snow, but tonight it is covered over again. Sigh. I was planning to ride my bike tomorrow, but I don't think I'll be able to do that.

When we came home Fumihiko put on the rest of Rocky 3. This week he's been watching the Rocky DVDs that I gave him a couple of years ago. It's hard to believe that this Rocky was made 22 years ago!

Anyway, that's it for today. Have a good night.

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