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January 30, 2005 - Sunday

Snowy and cold all day.

It started as a usual Sunday. I slept in quite late, and then got up and did laundry. After that, we went out and had breakfast. After that we went shopping. I kind of wanted to go home when Fumihiko suggested going to the mall to see a movie.

We had a few minutes before it started so we went to Uniqlo. We looked around and I saw a man's shirt that I liked so I got it. Then, Fumihiko asked the salesclerk for one in another colour and then bought it for me. That was nice of him.

We went to see Phantom of the Opera. I know it's had terrible reviews, but I really liked it. Emily Rossum as Christine was great. I like Gerard Butler, but I'm not sure that he was the best choice as the Phantom. It was fun...I still prefer the play, but the movie was a good substitute for people who haven't seen it yet.

After, we tried to go to the restaurant in Mikawa, but it was closed. We decided to try the Washington Hotel in Tsuruoka instead. It was really weird though. The stuff on the menu was quite difficult to translate so I decided that I'd have the steak set. Then Fumihiko tried really hard to persuade me not to have it. I was really confused by him. I had no idea what he was doing. I got a bit upset and told him that I wouldn't eat anything, I'd just sit there and watch him eat the steak set. He got a bit pouty at that. Mind you, I was confused and angry with him. And to top it all off, he didn't have any money! So, I had to pay. I did order the steak set and it was pretty good, but it wasn't the greatest meal ever.

We came home via S-mall to get some groceries, then came home and watched a couple of DVDs. First we watched one of my favourites, Enchanted April. Oh, it was so good. I just loved it. It's been ages since I saw it, but I really love it. Then we watched Shrek 2. I'm still watching some of the extra features. They're quite fun actually.

And that was my day. It was okay, but it's still very cold in here. The heater says it's 18 degrees, but I don't believe it. I think it's more like 10!

So, that was my day. Not that great, but not the worst either. I hope that tomorrow is better.

Gotta go....night!

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