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July 12, 2005 - Tuesday

Rainy and cloudy most of the day.

It's been a weird day folks, and not in a good way either. This morning Fumihiko got up and went to work, or so I thought. About an hour later he came back. He'd taken the day off work. I wasn't too happy about it, but I knew that he wasn't feeling that great.

I did my morning stuff, which included making tandori chicken paste. I had to peel the skin off the chicken and then put the paste all over the chicken. I stuck it back in the fridge to marinate all day.

Fumihiko drove me to work, which was great as it was really raining out there. I also asked him to take some stuff to the post office for me. He did, the sweetie.

When I got to work I found a note from one of my students. It wasn't a happy thing. She's become ill and can't come to class for a while. I am worried about her.

I only had 4 classes today and they went quite well. We laughed quite a lot, which is really good. Yay!

After work I asked Fumihiko to come and get me. He did. He also took me to a convenience store to send some books to my friend in Chiba. He did all of the writing for me. Yay.

When we came home I got busy. I grilled the chicken, cooked the veggies, made chai, set the table and set up dessert too. We ate, and it was great. The tandori chicken is awesome! I used the fish grill to cook it and it was almost perfect. I'm sure other people can make better tandori chicken, but mine was darn good!

After dinner I did the dishes while Fumihiko went to bed. I'm worried about him now too. He really wasn't acting like himself. Usually he runs to do the dishes after I cook. He doesn't like the way I wash them, so he washes the dishes.

I just watched Monk and now I'm considering eating my dessert. We didn't eat it at dinner time.

And that was my day. It was good, but not usual. I'm worrying about 2 people now, my hubby and my student. Think good thoughts for them.

Gotta go, night night.


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