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July 14, 2005 - Thursday

Raining and cloudy all day.

An okay day today. I was a little bit busier today, but I still had time to do things that I needed to do.

This morning for breakfast I had my usual omelet, but with a difference. I had a cheese and avocado omelet. I used the rest of my avocado on a couple of crispbreads. Yum, yum, yum.

At work, I prepared my classes and drank way too much diet coke!

For lunch I tried to go to the train station's convenience store, but they didn't haven't any of the stuff I wanted. Sigh. I did get a small pop and some snacks though.

After work, Fumihiko picked me up and we went to M's Dining. They have a new menu and it's quite good. We had salad and some of the new dishes.

We came home after dinner and now we're watching Meet Joe Black. It's Brad Pitt in "Gorgeous" mode!

Anyway that's it for me. Have a good night!


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