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July 17, 2005 - Sunday

Hot and humid, but not rainy. Still too hot!

I had a great day. I did get up early and just caught my train! I even did a load of laundry before I left, how's that for organization?

I had fun. I walked all over Niigata, and even rode a bus! I walked over the Bandai Bridge, all the way to HMV and Mitsukoshi. That's quite far really. I also did a bit of shopping. I hadn't intended to buy any more DVD's but I got one for very cheap, so I did. I finally got The Commitments. I loved that movie.

Along the way I visited Starbucks twice, bought a few magazines, had tea at my tea shop, then bought something at Daiei to eat on the train. I'm glad I did because it was late and I didn't eat when I came home.

It was great to wander around and just enjoy myself. I did visit a bookstore too! I got a few magazines there new Harry Potter! Hurray. I haven't started it yet. I am really looking forward to getting stuck in to it.

The trip back was fine. I read and ate. I didn't even have anyone sitting beside me for the whole trip.

I picked up my bike and biked home. When I got here I found the car, which I had expected. Fumihiko had a drinking party to go to tonight. When I put my bike away I found something I didn't expect. Fumihiko's bike lock was still in his basket. With his keys attached. His car keys. His work keys. Hmm. I locked up his bike and brought the keys inside. Fumihiko was/is passed out on the bed. The air conditioner wasn't on and the temperature in our bedroom was 29 degrees. Good grief! He woke up a bit when I talked to him, but he was speaking a mixture of Japanese and English and I didn't understand any of it.

I'm not sure if I'm going to go to bed soon or not. I might read a few pages of Harry and the Half Blood Prince. Or... a few chapters? Or?

Talk to you tomorrow when I'll update you on Fumihiko's condition tomorrow morning! (Actually, he almost never gets a hangover! Incredible!)



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