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July 18, 2005 - Monday

Hot and humid, rainy at night.

An okay day. I was suprised when I finally woke up that Fumihiko was gone! I didn't know what had happened. I assumed that he'd gone to his Mum's, but actually he'd gone to work. I'd forgotten that he had to work today.

I spent a very slow and lazy day. Yay. I cooked brunch, and watched Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. I really enjoyed it, even though it was a bit slow. It was a beautiful looking movie.

When Fumihiko came home we tried to go to the Mikawa restaurant, but they were crowded, so we went to the Indian restaurant in Sakata. It was pretty good, but I actually think my Indian food last week was better!

We went to the mall and hacked around a little, then we went to see Star Wars Episode 3. We both enjoyed it.

We grabbed a few groceries then came home. I was going to rewind ER when I discovered that The Blues Brothers was on. We are now watching that while we drink our lovely diet root beer.

And that was my day. After all the excitement I had yesterday it was nice to have a more quiet day. I'll catch you tomorrow, maybe! Night.


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