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July 19, 2005 - Tuesday

Sunny and hot.

An okay day, I guess. This morning we slept in a little. Fumihiko didn't work, so we went out for breakfast and then he drove me to work. I didn't have any classes until 5, so I did a lot of prep for the rest of the week.

I went over to the bank on my lunch hour, then hit the 100 yen shop for a few minutes. When I came back I heard a noise and then heard someone calling me. It was Fumihiko. He'd come to the school, missed me by a few minutes, and then spotted me from the car park. He came over and ate a bit of cheese with me.

Classes were fine today. I had done quite a bit of prep remember, so they seemed okay.

After work, Fumihiko finally came and got me, and we went to Benkei. It was quite nice and we had our usual favourite things. Then, we hit the grocery store and came home.

I was a bit irritated with him because he'd washed my kitchen sink mat in bleach, in the kitchen sink. He hadn't asked me if that's what he should do, he just did it. He's always cleaning the wrong thing. The wrong way.

I watched Monk and it was okay. He managed to make me angry again. I don't know how he does it sometimes. He's just gone off to bed, which doesn't make me feel any better.

I'll probably stay up and watch The Blues Brothers 2000 for a while. We both stayed up last night and watched The Blues Brothers. Fumihiko laughed a lot at it.

Anyway, that's it for me for tonight. Hopefully tomorrow will be a happier day. I hope so! Night.


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