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July 20, 2005 - Wednesday

Sunny and hot with a bit of drizzle in the morning.

A pretty good day. I got up and did my usual stuff in the morning.

Went to work, got there on time too. I only had 3 classes today, but one class cancelled, so it should have been more. So, my classes happened at strange intervals. I had a class at the beginning, ending and in the middle of the day. A bit weird!

After work, Fumihiko and I went to M's Dining. We had new things for us. He had a curry hamburger doria and I had grilled chicken with tomato sauce and stewed veggies. It was very good.

We came home and later I watched Without a Trace. It was okay tonight, but not great.

And that's it. Van emailed to say that her packages arrived, and that they let Katie open them. Everybody liked everything. Hurray!

And that was my day. Have a good one everybody! Night.

PS....I was pretty ticked off last night, but I thought about it long and hard today and decided that I'm kind of an idiot. I emailed hubby during the day, and I think he was happy to hear from me, so we're back to being on good terms again. He's not been doing well lately. His wrists are really giving him trouble. He works too hard. I should try to be more understanding when he's quiet. Even though it drives me crazy!


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