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March 26, 2005 -Saturday

Cold and windy again, bits of snow here and there, but not staying.

A good day. Today I got up early and went for a walk. Fumihiko wanted to go with me, but I said no. I felt a bit mean, but that was "my" time and I really needed it today. It was cold, but I did have a good walk. I had some great tunes on the iPod, so things were groovy!

We went to Gusto for breakfast, then Fumihiko drove me to work. I checked my stuff and then the kids started to arrive. We had a good class today. We did the Easter lesson.

I had a long break between my classes today, but I kept busy. I did a lot of prep work. Next week I have 3 new text books and today I looked them over a bit and prepped for the next couple of weeks. That was a good thing I think. Also, Fumihiko came by and bought me lunch. We went to Marica, but I'm afraid it wasn't a great experience. The waitresses were discussing some kind of work problem rather loudly, and the food was only so so. Still, it was a nice thing to have lunch with my guy.

After work, I asked Fumihiko to pick me up and this time we went to Cocos. We had a nice meal, and I paid. Poor Fumihiko had spent all of his money. However, he had paid for both of our breakfasts and our lunches, so I guess it really was my turn! I didn't mind.

After a quick stop in the grocery store, we came home and watched Love Actually. I love that movie. I'm going to watch it again tomorrow to see what is happening in the Colin Firth scenes. I've only ever seen them with Japanese subtitles. I'd like to watch with English ones, thank you very much.

And that was my day. It was quite nice. Tomorrow I have the day to myself as hubby has to go to work. I hope to do a few things, like go shopping.

Oh, I almost forgot. I got Fumihiko to pick up my new DVD at the store. I finally have my very own copy of Strictly Ballroom on DVD. I can't wait to watch it, but I will. It'll make it sweeter when I finally do watch it. Hurray, hurray, hurray. "Love is in the Air..... A life lived in fear is a life half-lived". Wanna come over and watch it with me?



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