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March 27, 2005 -Sunday

Cool and rainy.

A great day today. I'd set my alarm before bed last night, because I wanted to get up and walk. Unbelievably, I did it too! I had a great walk, listening to an older group of tunes that I love for walking.

When I came back home I showered, did laundry, cooked brunch and did the dishes. I even cleaned the mat in the sink. Yay me! When I cooked today, I re-heated the chicken I'd made earlier in the week and curried it. Then, I was going to make an omelet, but decided halfway through that I could try to invent some okonmiyaki, a Japanese food. I poured my egg mixture from the omelet over some grated cabbage/salad mix, shaped it into a patty, and cooked it until the eggs were set. I put a slice of cheese on the top to be different, and then spread mayonaise over the top. It was great! It tasted like the real thing, without all the carbs. Or octopus!

I decided to go out after to see if I could get my hair cut. It's been a while and with my upcoming trip to Canada, I want a nice hairstyle again. I was lucky and my hairdresser agreed to see me. I only had to wait a few minutes. She told me that her shop is going to move, so she asked if she could let me know her new address later. Of course! I want to know where she's going.

After my cut, I felt like a new person. I wandered the 100 yen shop aisles, but didn't buy anything. I did get something at a store upstairs though.

I rode my bike to S-Mall, where I ran into one of my students almost immediately. She hasn't been coming to class for a while and we talked about it. She had to go, so I went shopping in the drug store, then sent Fumihiko a mail that I'd meet him in the coffee shop. I was there, trying to get into my novel when he arrived.

After our drinks, we drove to the mall and had shabu-shabu. Today I was rather proud of myself. I didn't eat too much. Well, maybe I did, but I mean I didn't eat myself into "uncomfortable" territory like I sometimes do. Fumihiko ate a huge amount of food, he ate all the rice and the udon, plus one more tray of meat than I did. I hope he's okay.

We picked up a few party supplies for Fumihiko and a dvd for me (Bend it Like Beckham). Then, we went to see The Aviator. It was really good, and I'm a little surprised to say I'm surprised by how much I liked it. I don't often like Scorsese, but this was a good one. Also, like most good British movies, this had an ensemble cast. Good, well known actors were playing small parts.

We came home after the movie, and I think we're getting ready to go to bed. It's been a long, but good day for me. I know Fumihiko is tired too, so I'll bid you all adieu. Night!


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