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January 12, 2006 - Thursday

Cold, but not too much snow today. Hurray!

An okay day. I didn't get up before my alarm today, but I tried! I did get up and I took a shower, made breakfast, and I started dinner. I loaded up the crockpot with veggies and the nice block of pork that I bought yesterday.

I watched last night's Poirot. I thought I guessed "whodunnit", but I didn't really. Oh well. I never could guess Christie's killers!

In the afternoon I went out to the mall. It wasn't too bad walking in a way. In another way, it was terrible. The roads weren't slippery, but there was so much snow. At the corner near a convenience store, the sidewalk was totally covered. There was a bank of snow with a trail over it. I did go over it, but worried a bit.

I poked my nose into Hachimonjia but didn't buy anything. I continued on my way to the mall. At the mall, I got my bus ticket for Saturday, and then did a bit of hacking around. I didn't buy anything. I did have a cappuchino at the coffee shop, then went to the grocery store. I got dessert for our meal (cut melon), and picked up more frozen veggies. Then, I walked home.

The walk home was a bit nastier because it was dark, but I still made it home safely.

When I walked in the door, I could smell dinner. Yay. I didn't know how long Fumihiko would be, but he wasn't that late tonight.

I got dinner on the table fairly early tonight. We had pork roast, veggies, salad and stir-fried mushrooms and asparagus. Dessert was the cut melon. It was all good. After, Fumihiko wasn't doing well, so he took a nap then a bath, and I did the dishes. I was really surprised when Fumihiko gave me a bunch of money for dinner. He said it was my tip, but I'm not sure!

Later we watched Desperate Housewives and now Fumihiko is napping on the couch. Poor thing. He's really tired.

I think we might be going to bed soon. He seems all in. I'm not that tired, but it sounds like I'm going to have a trying day tomorrow. Fumihiko is going to take me to the Unemployment office in the afternoon. I'm not looking forward to that.

Oh, I had a bizarre moment in the grocery store today. I've always been a little proud of my ability to read French. I picked up a jar of sandwich paste, read the French side, and then turned it over to check if I was right on the Japanese side. I've been here too long!

Gotta go!


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