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January 13, 2006 - Friday

Warmish, and no snow!

An okay kind of day. I got up this morning before the alarm. That was a bit surprising as I hadn't slept well last night. I did some of my usual morning stuff, but I did it faster, as Fumihiko promised (threatened?) to take me to the Unemployment Office.

I even watched last night's Poirot. It was good. I remembered reading the book, the murderer was the wife and she read how to commit the crime in a novel. Cool stuff.

Fumihiko came and got me around 2 and we went to Hello Work. Well, sorry to gloat, but dear hubby doesn't know as much as I do about Japanese laws. I can't apply for unemployment insurance unless I'm actively looking for work, and I can't get my health insurance that way. So, after admitting I was right, he took me to his office to get his co-workers to apply for my health insurance. For some reason they still don't think I can get it. Huh? So, the upshot of this is that I-Have-No-Health-Insurance-YET. Am I happy about this? Maybe I can get it in a week. So, let's just hope I stay healthy for this week, eh?

He was in his office so long that I thought they'd put him to work again! After the hour mark I even c-mailed him, but he'd forgotten his phone in the car, so it didn't work. I swear he was in there for over an hour! I'd completely finished my magazine by the time he arrived back at the car.

After all this time, I had a need to use a washroom and I mentioned that I was hungry. We stopped at a 7-11 to take care of one of those needs and then went to M's Dining. We basically had the place to ourselves as it was only 4 pm. We tried their big special today, Yawaraka steak. That means "soft". It was sooooo good. I was really impressed. For around 1700 yen we got steak, soup bar, drink bar, salad, rice or bread (I of course passed on that). It was a good deal and we both enjoyed it.

We came home, and now Fumihiko is studying hard for his test on Sunday. I think it's a bit late to start, but hopefully he'll do okay. I've got my overnight bag packed. He'll bring it to Sendai after work tomorrow.

Which reminds me, I won't be updating tomorrow night as I'll be in Sendai, far away from my lovely computer. Hopefully, things will go well in Sendai with my shopping and hubby's test. Wish us luck!

Night night!


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