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January 20, 2006 - Friday

Cold, snowy....the usual!

An okay day. I overslept a bit this morning, but as I didn't have plans for anything that was okay. I did end up being a bit busier than I expected.

I watched last night's Charmed, which was a bit weird, but okay, ate brunch during it, then used my computer for a while. I was considering going out shopping when I decided to look out my window. On a snowbank, near where I was yesterday, I saw a what looked like a glove. Now, I'd lost a glove a couple of weeks ago, so I decided to go out and see if it was mine. It was. It was frozen and soaking wet too, so I brought it in and put it in the sink. Then I noticed just how much water was in our genkan (entrance - where we take off our shoes). I got out the mop, then I softened it with hot water, and then I finally got to clean up the water in the genkan. After that, I had to clean the sink!

Fumihiko came home around 6:30 tonight and we went out to get gas for the car and then had dinner at Gusto. I had the mixed grill which was quite nice. After that, we had planned to go to the mall to see a movie, but I realized that Fumihiko was really tired.

I suggested that we stay in Tsuruoka and go to S-Mall. I wanted to get a birthday card for a friend with a birthday this month. I got a couple of cards, and Fumihiko picked up some wasabi and beer at the store. I needed the wasabi.

We had a quick look in the video store, but didn't buy anything, then went and had coffee at the coffee shop. It was nice, but a bit rushed as the store was closing at 9:00pm. We came home and that was that.

Fumihiko went to bed almost immediately. He fell asleep and has only woken up now, at 1:00am! He's taking a bath, and I think we'll both be going to bed fairly soon. He still looks really tired.

Tomorrow, I'm not sure what the plan is. Tune in tomorrow night and find out. Night.


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