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January 24, 2006 - Tuesday

Cold and snowy. Same old, same old!

A mostly quiet day. I overslept but even when I did wake up, couldn't get out of bed!

I spent a lot of time on my computer today. Not doing much, just checking out blogs I like and other stuff.

After Fumihiko came home we went out for dinner to M's Dining. It was okay tonight. I had a Japanese meal, ginger pork and Fumihiko had hamburger with egg. Both were okay, except mine was cold when it arrived.

We bought groceries afterwards and then came home. Watched last night's ER, then Fumihiko watched some of Minority Reports special features.

That's about it. I've had a pretty nothing kind of day. I didn't do laundry after all. Oh well. Maybe tomorrow. Or not!



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