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January 30, 2006 - Monday

Rainy day. Lots of rain.

I woke up this morning to an empty house. Husband had gone off again. No note, no response to my email. I did my usual stuff and swore a lot. Got angry. The usual.

I decided in the later afternoon to go out. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of waiting at home for him. I walked to the mall in the rain. It wasn't fun, and I got quite wet.

At the mall I hacked around for a while. I didn't buy much. I got a new pair of gloves at the hundred yen shop because mine got wet, had a cappuchino and picked up a few groceries. Then I decided to go home.

By the time I got home he was back. I wasn't happy to see him at first, but then I was.

We went out for dinner and then went to the new big drugstore. Then we came home and watched Sex, Lies and Videotape. It was actually an appropriate movie for the way I'm feeling now. I'd forgotten just how gorgeous James Spader was/is.

That's about it for my day. It didn't end too badly, but it started that way. I'm doing a lot of thinking these days and it's not always a good thing.

Anyway, hopefully I'll be more cheerful tomorrow. Gotta go. Night.


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