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July 17, 2006 - Monday

Rainy and muggy.

Today wasn't a bad day, it wasn't a great day either. I went to bed very, very late this morning so I stayed in bed very late too. It was around 11 when I got up. Fumihiko was up for hours before me.

We went to a place that we used to go to a lot before, Cafe Framboise. We had their lunch specials which were actually quite nice. I had the steak lunch and Fumihiko had the seafood lunch. His looked nice, and mine was good.

After lunch we went to the Chido Museum to see some local paintings. They were...okay. I didn't think too much of them, but most people were more talented than I am, it's just my taste runs to better artists. We had a coffee at the coffee shop there, then went home. We vegged for a long time. Yay.

In the evening we went out for dinner. We planned to go to the Hotel, but when we got there were surprised by the cost of the dinner buffet. They are having a special buffet for two months and the price is 4500yen. Yikes! If we had bought tickets it would be 3800 yen, which is still pretty expensive. We didn't have dinner there, it was too much for me!

Today is a national holiday, Marine Day, so most things were closed. We drove around to different places checking to see if they were open and they weren't. Finally I suggested going to Jiro, our old standby. We had our usual meal-pork saute with garlic oil. It was sooooo good. The restaurant was very busy tonight, we were lucky to get a table.

We bought groceries when we finished, then came home and watched telly. We actually watched the Japanese News in English. It's pretty useless as far as news goes though. Lots of only Japan stuff. Why do they think people are interested in this "news"?

We watched ER "live" tonight. It was mostly about Neela and Gallant, the doctor that went to Iraq. It was very interesting, and heart-breaking too.

And that was that. Fumihiko made coffee earlier and I made some sheets on my computer to help my students learn printing. I never know which style of printing to teach them. Sometimes different texts have different methods and it's confusing, especially when the text's way is different from my way. Still, live and learn!

Tomorrow we're both back at work. I'll be cooking at home tomorrow night, a bit of a change from today. Talk to you tomorrow, night.

PS Check out my other blog if you'd like to learn your Pirate name! It's fun.


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