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July 25, 2006 - Tuesday

Cloudy most of the day, muggy.

Today was okay. I overslept though. I half expected it, as I was tired and went to bed late last night. When I got up I didn't do very much, just relaxed and stuff.

After lunch I headed off to the school to get ready for today's class. I vacuumed and did other cleaning and then taught my lesson. It went quite well.

I came home afterwards and got a treat. Fumihiko cooked me a lovely dinner. He made garlic pork and spinach. We also had salad too. It was great.

I did the dishes afterwards and then we relaxed. We watched the new show, Hustle. It was great! It's about Con-games, and I love that kind of thing. It's a British show that I think I'm going to like very much.

During the show, Fumihiko made us some iced coffee. Yay him. Now, we're watching Alias. Cool show.

And that was my day. I'm thinking about my day tomorrow, but I haven't decided yet what to do. Wish me luck!



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