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July 26, 2006 - Wednesday

Sunny and warm.

A good, if quiet day. I overslept again this morning, but it was sort of on purpose! I didn't have any plans so thought I'd catch up on my sleep.

During the day I didn't do too much, I just emailed friends, surfed the web and that kind of thing. I did a couple of loads of laundry and got rid of a dead plant that was on our counter. Yay me.

Fumihiko and I went to M's Dining for dinner. It was quite nice. I had steak, Japanese style, and Fumihiko had a King burger. That meant it was big!

We bought groceries after that. Well, I did, Fumihiko went to the drug store to get us a bug killer! We have a ton of small flies in the kitchen. They're hanging out over the garbage, and even though it has a lid, they are annoying as hell. And lets not even get into the gross out factor. I bought stuff and put it in the fridge for tomorrow night after my work. It should be nice I think.

When we came home we went to our respective computers and haven't said very much to each other since then! My computer died for a while and I had to do a forced start a couple of times. It's running quite badly lately.

The running badly brings me to another point. I'm going to try to upgrade my operating system over the next few days and there's a good chance that it won't work! If my computer crashes and burns it might be a while before I can get it up and running again. If that happens, please forgive me....and don't worry. I'm fine, my computer isn't.

I should run as Alias will be on soon and I want to watch it again! Got to go...night.


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