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June 19, 2006 - Monday

Muggy and cloudy.

A productive day. I got up fairly early today, showered and then got to work, relatively speaking! I put some teriyaki sauce on tonight's dinner, realized that there wasn't enough yogurt to make the salad dish I've been thinking about, then checked email and stuff. I had thought that a friend and I would get together for lunch today, but I didn't hear from her. Oh well, it didn't get set up on time so I guess no harm done.

After brunch I washed up the dishes and then went to my school. Lo, today the car was gone. Yay! I got busy.

I sorted out books and put away some things that I had been trying to find time to do. I also made a back-up copy of one of my text's cassettes. That was fun. My first tape was too short, and on the last leg of the recording I managed to change the recording bit from tape to radio. I also planned my first lesson, and read through the teacher's manual so that I would know the direction of the text. It looks like a good one.

Fumihiko c-mailed me and then came and picked me up. We came home and a few minutes later I started to make dinner.

We had Cream of Chicken Vegetable soup courtesy of yours truly, then I cooked pork chops, the ones I'd marinated in teriyaki sauce. We had them with a green salad. The soup was filling so we didn't need more veggies I thought. I tried to make a bit of a sauce from the leftover drippings in the pan, plus water, plus teriyaki sauce, but when I poured the sauce in I got more than I planned to pour. Still, it was a happy accident as the sauce tasted really good. Fumihiko seemed to enjoy the meal. Between our courses though, he knocked over his glass of oolong tea! There was tea and ice cubes everywhere. Men!

After he did the dishes (yay) we watched the last 10 minutes of Pulp Fiction. It took us about 20 minutes to set the dvd up though. What a pain. The menu didn't seem to work. I don't know if that was by design or by accident.

I received an alumnai magazine from my university today too. Well, it's weird, it's not really my university. Huh? Well, last year or a couple of years ago, my university joined up with the University of Alberta. My university had less than 1000 students, the U of A has a lot more than that! I'm reading about all of the people at the big university and some of the people at the little university, and I don't know anybody anymore. Too sad.

Well, I'm just blethering away now, so I'm going to stop. Tomorrow I'll go out with my friend, to show off my school and to see her home. I haven't seen it since she moved. It should be a fun day I hope. Talk to you later!

Night night!

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