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June 20, 2006 - Tuesday

Muggy with a bit of rain in the early part of the day.

I had a good day today. Yeah. I got up early for me, and did some daily types of things, then I got dressed. I even curled my hair. I was meeting an old friend today. She arrived a bit after 12 and first we had lunch at Jiro. That was nice.

After lunch I took her to my school to show it off. I think she liked it! We spent some time there and we chatted about my business and her business. We ate chocolate and drank tea and had a merry old time. Although I was supposed to go to her house, we spent such a lot of time at my school that there really wasn't time for it. She dropped me off at home and in I went.

When Fumihiko came home, I asked him to take me out shopping! I wanted some missing ingredients for the dish I was planning to make. What was the dish? Well, yogurt and cucumber salad. Since Fumihiko has been making yogurt I thought I'd try making the salad. I had some once in an Indian restaurant in Victoria and wanted to try it myself. I needed (depending on the version) dill or mint. I couldn't find dill at all. I found pickling spices which had dill in it, but not dill by itself. I couldn't find dried mint at all, but in the vegetable department I found some fresh peppermint and used that. Fumihiko also got a new jar for his yogurt. Hopefully it will fit better in the fridge!

When we came home, I washed and chopped the mint, and added it to the cucumbers and yogurt that I had prepared before we went out. I put it back in the fridge for a while to chill more. Fumihiko set the table while I cooked the chicken. Tonight's dinner was spicy fried chicken with daikon salad and cucumber and yogurt salad. By now the yogurt and the cucumber and mint had blended nicely and the salad was very good. We declared it a success. Hurray!

I did the dishes tonight and we watched The Wizard of Oz on TV. It wasn't bad. It holds up fairly well. Some of the special effects could be done better now, but I don't think anyone would want to redo the movie.

After The Wizard of Oz finished, we watched Kinsey. We made popcorn and sodas and settled ourselves down. I really enjoyed it. Fumihiko left in the middle to take a bit of a nap. That was sad, but the movie was great. It's hard to believe that people were once so naive about sex. Of course, it seems like things may be changing back that way again.

Oh, and a sad thing this morning....The Edmonton Oilers lost the Stanley Cup final. They did very well just to get as far as they did in the playoffs so I don't feel too disappointed. I do wish I could have watched the game though.

Got to go, night.

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