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June 24, 2006 - Saturday

Hot and sunny.

A good day. I got up at 9 this morning, and hubby was still here. I was worried but he said he didn't have to be at the testing site until 9:30 and he left soon after. I spent time on my computer, drinking delicious coffee.

Fumihiko came back after a couple of hours. I think that's a good sign, that he spent quite a bit of time at the test this time. We both did computing stuff, and then went out for brunch.

Today we went for brunch to M's Dining. It was quite busy, and they were having the outside painted and maybe changed a bit. We even saw our favourite waitress there, we haven't seen her at the restaurant in a while. We had the same thing basically, hamburger and steak. It was good. They do have great steaks and burgers at that place.

We were going to go straight home after lunch, but Fumihiko wanted to go to the electronics store, so that's what we did. I was the only person who bought something, I got some batteries and more tapes. They were having a special day in the store, they were giving out prizes too. We even got a couple! I got a nice soup mug cup...I'm thinking cafe au lait! and Fumihiko got a glass with 3 little glasses inside it. It's like a picnic set or something, made of plastic. It's quite nice. I also got a tissue box cover. I'm using it at the school, because I usually keep a big box of tissue out for me and the students.

And speaking of which.... around 5:30 we went over to the school and I did a few last minute tidying up things, and got all panicky and a bit bossy with Fumihiko. However, I shouldn't have! Things went very well, and I have two new children students and possibly one adult one too. Wahoo!

After my visitors left, we discussed what to do. I wanted to change back to normal clothes and then go out to eat. Fumihiko suggested going to a movie, so we combined the two. We drove out to Mikawa, had Ghengis Khan and then went to see Mission Impossible 3.

For all of the controversy about Tom Cruise the last year or so, he really does do good action films. It was a pretty fun time at the movies. I really enjoyed it much more than the second one. I thought it was slightly more "oh my gosh" than the first one too. I had my hands over my mouth a few times because I was a bit shocked/scared/surprised.

After the movie we came back to Tsuruoka and bought a few groceries. Then we came home. Fumihiko went to bed a few minutes ago, and I should follow soon. I'm tired, and I'm not sure why.

There won't be an update tomorrow night as we're going out of town. We're going to go fishing in Niigata. At least that's the plan right now. I hope that you all have a good weekend!


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