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June 29, 2006 - Thursday

Holy cow it's hot- hot!

A great day really. I woke up sort of early, and opened the windows to let in the breeze. I checked the telly for the news, but there wasn't any, so I ended up watching part of The Fugitive instead. It was good as always. I wonder when the big change happened. In The Fugitive they actually talk and say intelligent things...when did TV get so dumb?

I had an early lunch as I wanted to get out of the apartment. I had to go to the bank. Bleck! I decided to go to ones that I've never been to before. I first went to my school's bank to pick up some forms and update my passbook, then went to my own bank, but a different branch than usual. I paid my taxes (bleck) and then I went to the drugstore for a few things.

When I came home I showered and then got ready to go out. My student came early and I went out to meet her. We went to the Kimono shop and looked around for a bit. They had some beautiful kimono, but a bit out of my league! When the lesson started I was thrilled to discover that one of the workers could speak very good English. She helped me a lot. I had worried that my student might feel that she had to help me too much, so she wouldn't learn, but it was okay. I learned how to put on a yukata by myself tonight. Yay me! I'm just worried that I'll forget. Maybe I should practice by myself tomorrow. Yeah, good idea!

After the lesson we sat around the shop talking a bit. I gave the lady who helped me my business card and then everybody else wanted one! I handed them out, and even gave away the last one in my card case!

I wore my yukata home tonight and looked darn gorgeous, but I really wanted to take it off! I wasn't that comfortable. I'd been wearing it for quite a few hours. I happily changed my clothes.

Fumihiko had been home since seven, and was a bit hungry, as was I. We went out for dinner to Gusto and then to Max Valu for groceries. I stocked up on my essentials....sunflower seeds. I was surprised that the store didn't have any avocados though. Oh well.

We came home and had a bit of bother with our air conditioner. The batteries were worn out in the remote, or so we thought. We replaced the batteries tonight, but the remote didn't work. I tried the reset button and it helped. It's going a bit now, but it's not working the way we should. I hope that we don't need a new one. This one is only 2 years old. The remote has probably been dropped too many times!

Anyway, that's it for me for tonight. It was a good day, and I had fun going out without my hubby.That might sound harsh, but I almost always go out with him, and rarely go out with "girls". I miss having female company.

Gotta go! Night.

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