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June 30, 2006 - Friday

Hot and muggy, quite yucky.

Today was okay. I overslept though and had a hard time dragging myself out of bed. When I got up, I did three loads of laundry and a touch of cleaning.

Before lunch I made cucumber and yogurt salad again. It was for dinner. I saved a cucumber for my lunch. Yum. I had my usual omelette and then I had some crispbreads with cucumber and french dressing on them. OH, my gosh, so good. Lovely and summery.

After lunch I went over to the school to plan for tomorrow's class, and to prepare some business things too. I was there for a while, reveling in the coolness. Our apartment air conditioner isn't working well.

I came home by bike, and when I was near my apartment I saw my hubby coming towards me in his car! He was going to the school to get me, but turned around. At home, he tried again to get the air conditioner working, but couldn't, and then we went to the electric shop. They checked our remote, which is working, and we made arrangements to have them come and fix our air conditioner. I hope they can do it soon!

We got a few groceries and then came home. I actually cooked tonight. Tonight I attempted "butah tama kimchee" and it was good! I cooked some pork with kimchee and then put an egg in at the end. It was yummy. Really. Fumihiko really liked it. We had it with the cucumber yogurt salad, more kimchee and some pork yakitori. It was really delicious.

After dinner and dishes, we watched the last two episodes of Monk. They were okay. I think they're starting to dumb down the show a bit. It's a pity as it's a neat idea.

And that's about it for my day. Tomorrow I have another student begin. I haven't taught her for a few months so I hope that all goes well.

Talk to you later! Night.

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