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May 15, 2006 - Monday

Sunny and warm. Lovely day!

Wow, what a productive day, even though we didn't get up early.

We had coffee and then went out for breakfast. We went to Coco's. It was quite nice, not great though.

We went to Leopalace and picked up the keys for my apartment, then we drove over there. It looks nice. It's incredibly clean and sunny in the daytime. That makes it nice. Fumihiko took all kinds of measurements. We're trying to figure out what size of table we can fit in there. While he did that, I made a list of things I needed to buy.

We went to a hundred yen shop for some things, a drugstore for others, and a grocery store, but we didn't actually buy anything there. We had a drink and Fumihiko had a bite in the store. We then went to order some business cards for me. Wow. I'll have business cards soon. I never thought I'd get them again.

After that, we went to look at furniture. I saw a couple of nice tables, but they were "seconds". Some of them had damage. Some of it could be covered or refinished, but I'm not sure I want them. It might be better to get something in good condition first! I did get a couple of small stool/benches, a garbage can, and some slippers.

We delivered it all to the apartment and also checked the light. It was the first time to be there in the evening so we didn't know if the lights were bright enough or not.They were. Good!

We went to M's Dining and had dinner. I had chicken and Fumihiko had a burger and rice pilaf. The waiter brought us one spoon and one knife and one fork for the two of us. I'm not sure what he was thinking! I guess the spoon was for Fumihiko, as pilaf is often eaten with a spoon here, but he was also having hamburger! Anyway, the food was good.

We hit the grocery store on the way back. I think we'll have shabu-shabu for dinner tomorrow night. Yum.

When we came home we vegged for a while and watched ER together. It was pretty good tonight. Susan had to work on her leadership, and Luka covered for Sam's big mistake. I enjoy that show.

And that was my day. Busy! Tomorrow I have to go to the new apartment to wait for the gas guy. I have some stuff to do while I'm there too, so that's a good thing. I hope it won't take too long.

I'll talk to you tomorrow. Night night!

PS...before I forget, last night Angelfire wasn't letting me sign in so I couldn't post my update until this morning. Sorry about that!


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