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May 26, 2006 - Friday

Bit cloudy, but didn't rain.

A good day, I got up at 9 this morning. Wa hoo! There wasn't any news on, just a baseball game, so I watched the tape my sister sent of the Oscars. It was great. My favourite is always the "In Memorium" section.

I went over to the school in the afternoon and unpacked boxes. It was a good thing to do. I tried to find places for everything, but I didn't. Yet. There's still time. I'll probably go over again tomorrow.

Fumihiko came home and called me from the apartment. I biked back and joined him. We decided what to do with our evening. Although he suggested going to Mikawa to have Genghis Khan, I said we should wait on that. Tomorrow, I can pick up my clothes at the tailors, so why make two trips. Instead, we went to the Daiichi hotel.

The buffet was great tonight. They had food that was okay for me. What a nice change. There was a garlic chicken thing, and some squid, and salad, and then some beef and asparagus dish. It was nice.

After our meal I didn't feel like going home quite yet, so we went to Tsutaya. Fumihiko decided to get a membership there since a restaurant we often go to has a promotional deal with them. We hacked around the store and decided to rent a couple of dvds. Notice I said "rent". Not BUY! Amazing. We got Anchorman and Sliding Doors.

We came home and watched Anchorman. It was very funny. I'd heard that it was a hoot, but it didn't make it to the theatre out here. It had cameos from all sorts of people, like Jack Black, Tim Robbins and one of the Wilson Brothers.

Fumihiko's gone off to bed now, and I'll probably head there myself soon. I'm a tad tired. Talk to you tomorrow? Night.


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