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May 30, 2006 - Tuesday

Rainy and cloudy all day.

A sort of okay day. I didn't go to bed until very, very early this morning.Somewhere around 4 actually. I basically didn't wake up for hours. The first thing I really remember is being cuddled. It was lovely. It doesn't happen all that often to wake up that way, and it's so nice.

When we finally roused ourselves, we had lunch at Jiro, then went to Leopalace to pay rent for July. Yes, a month in advance. It's their system.

After that, we went to a hardware store and looked for folding chairs. I wanted chairs for my school, and comfy ones at that. I decided to get the same ones that I use for my computer chair, but they only had four. Fumihiko asked about ordering another chair. The lady that he asked grabbed the four chairs and took them to the check out. He followed her. I was really ticked off. I hadn't finished my shopping yet. I wanted to get more stuff. I grabbed some floor protectors for under the chairs and went after them. When I got there, I was a little upset shall we say, and I told Fumihiko that I had to get more stuff. I got a couple of filing cabinets. Here in Japan they're called Letter boxes. I got a tall one and a smaller one. Then I was ready to pay for everything. I paid and the woman loaded up our cart for us.We went out to the car, put everything in and then headed to the school.

We spent an hour or so at the school. Fumihiko very nicely put the colour boxes together for me. I did a bit of unpacking and moving things around. It's really starting to take shape. It's looking more like a school now. I have a few things left to do, but I'm feeling better about it.

Fumihiko dropped me off at home then. He had to visit his Mum today. She's not feeling too well and she needed some shopping. I did computer stuff while he was gone.

When he came back, we relaxed. Fumihiko had finally found The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, the book I had given to him for his birthday. I asked if I could borrow it, so I sat on the couch and read it. It was a wonderful treat. I loved it.

After I finished, we went out for dinner. We went to the Evil Place, Edoichi. It wasn't too bad tonight. It looked like they'd actually done some cleaning. The meat seemed to be better quality too. Hurray for that.

When we finished dinner we bought groceries for tomorrow's dinner. I'm going to cook again. Wish me luck.

We came home, watched Monk and then vegged a bit. Fumihiko is figuring out how to order my whiteboard for me. Looks like fun....not!

And that was my day. Not bad, not great. Sort of normal.

Talk to you tomorrow? Night.


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