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May 29, 2006 - Monday

Light rain most of the day.

Today was a good but weird day. I woke up to find my husband getting dressed to go out. He'd decided to go to the doctor's for some medicine. So, he did. I thought about getting up and staying up, but I didn't. I slept! He came back after 11 and for some reason set to work cleaning the old refrigerator that's been taking up space in my kitchen. He was making the sort of sound that was as annoying as nails on a chalk board, so I got up, grabbed my book, then came back to bed, closing the door on the way. I read for a while, then finally got up and got dressed. I came out of my room to an empty house. I didn't worry for a bit, but as time passed and I drank all the coffee, answered all my email and played on my computer, I started to wonder where in the heck my husband was. I sent c-mail, and even tried phoning him. No answer.

A bit after two he came home. I was happy to see him. He'd lost his wallet with his license in it and went back to his doctor's to get it. I'm not sure where else he was during that time though. Hmmm.

We went out and had lunch at Cocos, then went to a hanko shop to have a stamp made for my business.The store owner tried to get me to have a stamp with my name on it and the address. I don't think it's necessary, but what do I know? I compromised by getting a stamp with my school name and address on it, and a separate one for my name.

We drove to Mikawa then and went to the home furnishings store. I looked at tables again, but I'm going to pass for now. I should buy chairs though. I did buy a couple of "colour boxes". They are like small bookcases. I'll use them sideways for books. It's a long story!

We had coffee at a new cafe that's opened in the Across Mall area. It was horrendously expensive! It was over 600 yen for Fumihiko's coffee and over 800 yen for my Earl Grey tea. I at least got a small pot of tea, so I could get two cups, Fumihiko could get a second cup if he paid a little extra. It was a nice cafe, but I'm just not sure that they'll get the business they need to stay open.

We went into a shoe store, but they didn't have any shoes in my size. Fumihiko didn't find what he was looking for either, so we went over to the mall. At the mall, we went looking for shoes. Fumihiko found a pair he liked in Jusco, so he got them. He also picked up a shirt. I did go and look at the ladies clothing and there was some stuff that was nice, but I didn't try anything on. I have a ton of clothing here already that I should purge, before I get new. We picked up my altered clothing too, and it looks good.

There weren't any movies that we had to go and see, so we decided to have dinner at the Ghengis Khan place. We did, and it was pretty good. There's a dish they have that sounds yucky, but is actually good. Chicken skin gyoza. Instead of using a wonton wrapper or whatever it is, they use chicken skin to wrap the meat, then deep fry it. It's very nice, and low carb too!

We came home after dinner, via the school to drop off boxes and the grocery store to get and cheese. The cheese was for me. We watched ER and just generally relaxed. It was nice. So, my day started oddly, but ended well. Hurray.

Before I got though, I have a rant. Yes, a rant. Why is it that when I'm out with my husband he can't find me? When we go out together, if we separate, I can always spot him easily, sometimes even halfway down the mall. He can never see ME. I'm not that hard to miss. I'm a little grey haired fat foreigner! There aren't many of us around. Today, I told him I'd be in the ladies clothing area, especially the larger sizes department, and even helpfully pointed out the sign IN JAPANESE. A few minutes later, I saw him off in the distance, wandering around. Looking lost. Looking like he was looking for someone. Me? I went over to him, he was happy to see me. He decided to look for a shirt, so I decided to go to the craft department. I did, and a few minutes later I saw him walk by. I "you-hoo"ed him, and even said, "Hello", but he kept on going. Finally, I had to put down what I was looking at and go and chase him down. He hadn't seen me. He'd heard someone talking but couldn't see who it was. So, I don't know. Why can I find him easily and he can't spot me? Is it a man-woman/Mars Venus thing or is it just a weird husband? I don't know !

Night night.


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