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October 6, 2006 - Friday

Rainy all day.

A strange day. I had a difficult morning. It was hard to get up, but I finally did. I had to breakfast early so that I could leave for the school on time. I got everything done and went off on my merry way. Oh, one cool thing though. When I went to get my bike out of the bike shed today, there was a hitchhiker on it. A preying mantis had taken up residence on the column (for lack of a better word) leading up to the handlebar. I was really surprised. I don't think I'd ever seen one so up close before. I'd have taken it's picture, but my cell phone was in my backpack, under my raincape. It was brown. I thought they were green. I tried shaking my bike to dislodge it, but it wasn't moving. I finally had to blow on it a few times. I hope it wasn't my breath that got it to move at last.

When I got to the school I changed, and checked that everything was ready for my class. When the time came around, my student didn't. Oh dear. I emailed her from my cell phone and she did come just before our class ended. She'd been busy at work and had forgotten.

After she left, I did a couple of things, prepared for today's children's lesson and then headed out to Gusto for a light snack. I had quite a nice meal as it turned out. I had grilled chicken with mushrooms and a new dish, an Italian cheese omelette. It was very different from my omelette, but interesting. I liked it. I had drink bar as well. Yay me!

I stopped in a drugstore on the way home and picked up some cleaning supples for the school and some stuff for the apartment. I also got a few drinks for the school. Carrying all that back on my bike in the rain was a bit of a challenge. Maybe the clerk didn't notice that it was really RAINING out there, because she put the pad of paper that I'd just bought in the middle of the plastic bag. The end was sticking out of the bag! Luckily I'd taken a plastic bag to the restaurant with me to put my wet raincape in, so I used that to cover my shopping better. I got back to the apartment relatively unscathed, but my knees were wet!

Today's classes in the evening went quite well. The kid was pretty good for a change, and the last student had to leave early which was a shame, but we had a good time before that.

When I'd done up my paperwork and everything, I called Fumihiko to come and get me. He did, and even put my bike in the back of the car before he came and got me. Sweetie.

We went to Jiro for dinner tonight. I had my favourite Pork saute with onions in garlic oil. It was good, but I think the chef forgot the garlic! They didn't have the usual firepower. Fumihiko had Kaki-fry (oyster for non Japanese people). His dish looked good too.

We bought a few groceries and then came home. We didn't do much of anything except I did pack a bag for our overnight stay on Sunday. We're going to a wedding in Sakata on Sunday and have decided to stay over. Fumihiko wants to be able to drink and if he does he can't drive. It's a new hotel that we're staying in, so we're both looking forward to going. Don't miss me on Sunday! I'll be back on Monday if all goes well.

And that was my day. It was quite good, except for all of the rain. I heard that there's more coming tomorrow too. Glad I have my raincape! Night night.


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