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October 31, 2006 - Tuesday--Happy Halloween!

Warm and sunny. Rainy at night.

Today was okay. I got up, did some housework, watched Friends and went off to work. Then, I came home and hubby and I went out for dinner. It was a good day really. The housework? Vacuuming, dusting and putting dvds away! We have soooo many that it isn't funny really.

However, my big news is that I was tagged by Gina at Life of an American mommy living in Japan with a meme, so being the good neighbour that I am, I'll try it out!

I am thinking about: What to give my sister and my husband for their birthdays this month. I'm clueless about my sister's present!

I said: "Goodnight," to my husband a few minutes ago. He's not feeling well, poor thing.

I want to: go to Paris before I'm too old to enjoy it.

I wish: that air travel wasn't so expensive so my friends and family could come and visit me.

I regret: well, actually, in the words of Edith Piaf,Non, je ne regrette rien! (I put up the translation for those of us whose French is a little rusty!)

I hear: my husband sleeping in the bedroom, the fan that's running beside my head.

I am: a work in progress.

I dance: whenever I hear good music and feel like it. On Sunday, it was in a furniture store when Dancing in the Street by Martha and the Vandellas came on the PA. My husband pretended not to know me.

I sing: all the time. I never had any confidence in my singing until I came to Japan and did karaoke for a year, but now I won't shut up! I'll sing anywhere, anytime! A few weeks ago, I sat in the car and sang Total Eclipse of the Heart about 3 times in a row while Fumihiko was in the bank. I got some weird stares that day!

I cry: at sad or romantic songs. At karaoke on Monday I lost it doing Garth Brooks' The Dance and I can't even listen to Reba's What if it's You? or Terry Clark's I Just Want to Be Mad for a While. I have to fast forward through Andy Stewart's A Scottish Soldier when it plays on my iPod.

I am not: thin. I am not willing to torture myself to become thin.

I am: a dreamer with a huge down-to-earth streak that doesn't let me get too carried away.

I write: this blog, tons of email, and hopefully interesting comments on other people's blogs!

I confuse: the Japanese words "Muzukashi" and "Mitsukoshi" on purpose to annoy my husband! (one means difficult, the other is the name of a big department store!)

I need: good friends, good food, good music, good books and good movies. I already have a good husband!

I tag: Suzulan and K C at Earth-Bound Insight if you ladies have time!

That's it for me, I'm done. Night night!


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