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September 4, 2006 - Monday

Hot and sunny.

An okay day. I got up eventually this morning and my throat hurt. I didn't want to, but I finally asked hubby to take me to see a doctor. On top of the sore throat I also got a cough with a bit, sorry, that's too much information, isn't it?

We went to the Dai-Ichi hotel for lunch and had an okay time. We talked a bit, not like last time. After I asked if we could go back to the apartment for a minute to grab a book for me. We did that, and then went to the hospital. On the way there, Fumihiko realized he didn't have our medical insurance card, so we went back home again. When we finally got to the clinic it was closed! It wouldn't re-open until 3. So, we went for coffee.

We went to the Grand Elson coffee shop. We saw a waitress who used to be a student at my former school and said hi. Then, just after we got our drinks, one of my ex-students came in with her Mum, and fiance! I was surprised. I hadn't talked to her in ages, and now she's getting married next month. Wow.

We went to the doctor's office a bit before 3. They open, but you can't see the doctor until 3 anyway. We registered or whatever it is they want you to do. I was given a thermometer to stick under my arm, but the darn thing didn't work! After being there for 10 minutes it said my temperature was 8 degrees! Fumihiko took it back and got a new one. Hurray, it worked. I had a low grade fever of 37.1 degrees. Then they asked me to ....well, again I'm going to have to draw a veil over the next part as it's just none of your business!

I got in to see the doctor, Fumihiko went with me. Yay. He asked me a few questions in English, then checked my glands, my chest (with a stethoscope of course), my blood pressure and my throat. He prescribed a lot of drugs and sent me on my way! We got the medicine and then took off!

We went to the mall in Mikawa. There was one new movie playing, Miami Vice, but not for a while. We walked around for a bit and I suggested that hubby have a massage. It sometimes helps him feel better. He went off to have one, and I had 30 minutes to go shopping. I toured the ladies clothing but they seem to be in the middle of stocking Autumn's stuff and selling off Summer's stuff. There wasn't much that I liked. I did the tour of the craft section too. I found some lovely wool that when it was knitted was incredibly soft and silky feeling. It was called Fur, but it was light and gorgeous. If I had a project in mind for it I could have been tempted.

I went to pick up hubby around 6. I asked him if we could skip the movie. I was quite hungry and not feeling that great honestly. We decided to go to Bistro de Ponts for dinner.

We had a great meal. We had scallops and sashimi, pumpkin soup, I had pork and Fumihiko had grilled fish. He had Peach Melba for dessert. It was sooo good. I really enjoyed our meal.

We came home and then spent a quiet evening together. We didn't do very much. Had a bit of a cuddle, then some coffee. Hubby took his bath and is now sleeping away. I should get off to sleep soon as I HAVE to get better before my trip!

Talk to you later! Night-night.


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