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September 5, 2006 - Tuesday

Cloudy and rainy.

An okay day. I had a bit of trouble getting up today, but I finally managed it. I felt okay, but I was really hot. I don't know if that was 'cause of room temperature or my temperature!

I putzed around a bit in the morning, but didn't do much. In the afternoon though, I did something. I cleaned the toilet. Thoroughly. I lead such an exciting life!

Around 5 I went off to my school by bike. It was really cloudy so I wore my raincoat, but it didn't rain. At the school I did some prep work and then my student and I had class. It went well.

After class she left and I texted hubby to see if he was home. He was, so I asked him if he wanted to meet me at the restaurant. Since he'd had to drink at work, he couldn't drive. We met at Bronco and had a pretty nice meal.

We visited the grocery store and then walked home. When we came home hubby watched Airplane 2 and I did computer stuff. That's about it. Fumihiko went to bed a bit ago, and I might go fairly soon too. I'm tired as well.

That's it for tonight. Night night.


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