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September 6, 2006 - Wednesday

Cooler and rainy.

A pretty good day today. I got up before 10 if you can believe it and did a bunch of stuff. Later, after my shower and while I ate lunch I watched a couple of episodes of Friends. They were really funny today. They were the "What if" shows. What if Rachel did marry Barry, Joey was still on Days of Our Lives, Phoebe was working for Merrill Lynch, Monica didn't lose weight and Ross didn't get divorced for the first time. Monica and Chandler still ended up together and that was sweet.

I went off to the apartment around 2 to make things ready for my class. My student was right on time and we had a good time. It went well for a first class! Afterwards I read a little before coming home.

Fumihiko came home around 6 and we spent a bit of time together, then I cooked dinner. Tonight's dining experience was spicy fried chicken, salad and Japanese pumpkin. It was all very good. Fumihiko was impressed, but it was pretty easy. He did the dishes afterwards, then we went out.

First we went to a convenience store to send off a couple of packages. I'm lending a friend some books and returning another's dvd. It's a pain to do it as all of the forms are in Japanese, so I can't understand them very well!

Then we hit the grocery store. I got a few things to tide me over for breakfasts etc for the next few days. I don't want to leave a lot of food in the fridge over our holiday.

We came home and spent time on our respective computers. Fumihiko did some translating for my school so that I can tell students when their lessons will finish. He's such a sweetie.

And that's it. I'm done for today. I'm feeling a bit better, but I did cough a lot during the night. I felt sorry for hubby. I know I woke him up. I woke myself up too.

Anyway, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Have a good night!


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